Finding a Hope-Aligned Health Team with Chrissy Kirkman

Have you ever steered clear from seeking out a health professional because you’ve had a bad experience before? Unfortunately, this is the case for many of us. While we can’t expect any one person to be perfect, we can start with understanding what we need help with, what is important to us, and find a health professional in line with the hope we are called to. 

In this podcast episode with Chrissy Kirkman, executive director of FINDINGbalance, we explore how the tenets of secular psychology often makes the person the center of their decisions. This mindset does not allow a sovereign God to have the authority, which puts pressure on the patient to achieve unrealistic results and often creates anxiety. Instead of relying on human reasoning, how can we ask Jesus for truth to aid us in our journey to get better?

What can we look out for in a health team? Chrissy reminds us that we can’t do it alone, we are relational beings, and God is on our side! A few ways a health provider can care for us in a God-centered way are to:

  1. Integrate biblical and psychological principles together

  2. Filter all treatment through lens of Scripture, because hope is healing

  3. Follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance

  4. Pray for the patient 

If you want to sharpen your discernment when it comes to finding the right health professional for you, listen to the full episode here: Finding a Hope-Aligned Health Team with Chrissy Kirkman.

Finding a Health Team Aligned with Hope

In episode 38 of The Joyful Health Show, Kasey interviews Chrissy Kirkman on how to find a health team aligned with hope. Why is this important? Many seeking professional help struggle to find health providers we genuinely trust. In this episode, Chrissy shares how it can be harmful to our spirit when we are pointed away from God as the source of our health, what we can look out for in a hope-filled professional, and how to go about finding the right team for you. We discuss:

  • How secular psychology puts unrealistic pressure on the patient to be healthy

  • The four characteristics to spot when looking for a health team

  • How FINDINGbalance can be a resource to connect you with helpful providers

About Chrissy Kirkman

Chrissy Kirkman

Chrissy is the Executive Director of FINDINGbalance, the world’s leading Christian nonprofit ministry helping people repair their relationship with food and their bodies so they can live the abundant life they were created for. She also hosts the Old School Food Freedom podcast.

A former participant in FINDINGbalance’s Lasting Freedom program, Chrissy has firsthand experience of the struggle faced by those battling food issues, and the courage it takes to seek help. No longer a captive of “diet culture”, she is passionate about sharing the truth she’s found and helping others find hope and tools to break free.


Don’t Miss Kasey’s New Aligned Devotional Guide and Video Study!

Kasey’s seven-session devotional guide, Aligned, is designed to help you return to God’s perfect peace when you’re feeling anxious. Get the video series to complement each week’s material as she teaches how this content relates to your physical alignment. The video series includes an interview with a chiropractor, video teachings with transcripts, and printable resources. You can buy it for individual study, or go through the material with a group.  

This book and course is now available year-round to help you get aligned. Learn more here and get started TODAY!

Takeaways from Today’s Episode

Looking for the resources we mentioned in this episode? We’ve listed them all below! (The following resources include affiliate links. Thank you for supporting us in this way!)

Did something you heard today hit home? Save these images to your phone as a reminder, or share the episode with friends on social media. Make sure to tag @joyfulhealthco, so we can share your joy!


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